Participate in Eastern Cape as Region of Learning

Playlist Creator

The owner of this badge has participated in an Introduction to the project and key ideas of Eastern Cape Region of Learning, and created a first badge and playlist.
Você precisa concluir todas as tarefas para receber a patente
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Team up and choose a topic for a Playlist. Describe the topic
Login and start quest
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Set your goals, describe your goals
Login and start quest
Task no.3
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Designe experiences, this can be local and digital experiences or a combination.
Login and start quest
Task no.4
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Assemble a Playlist, take a picture and upload
Login and start quest
Task no.5
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Design a badge, take a picture and upload
Login and start quest

Categorias de interesse Categorias

A Badgecraft roda uma infra-estrutura web para Cidades e Regiões de Aprendizagem. O consórcio Europeu desenvolve esta plataforma com o co-financiamento do programa da União Europeia Erasmus+
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