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SwimSafe Manual

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The swim safe – Trainer manual is written for potential swimming educators, whom do not necessarily have the knowledge about how to swim or offer swimming lessons. The manual is written so that every layman can learn the necessary defined skills to offer swimming lessons. The manual is written that the key lies in making the swimming lessons fun.

We wrote the trainer manual because we saw an opportunity to improve the way of offering swimming lessons in South Africa. The drowning rates in South Africa are shocking, especially with children. We want to make a change in these rates by writing a trainer manual. If more people have the knowledge about how to swim and how to offer swimming lessons, more children can be taught how to swim and therefore decrease the drowning rates in South Africa. The document is written for still and clear water conditions such as a swimming pool, thus you can use this manual for any swimming pool.

We are offering a complete swimming course up until the children/students can swim one whole lane (25 meters) of each swimming stroke (except for the butterfly stroke). The course includes everything needed to offer swimming lessons and make the lessons fun and interactive.

The trainer manual is divided into the following four groups according to the child’s/student’s swimming ability namely: Starfish, Penguin, Swordfish and dolphins.

Starfish starts with getting the children/students feeling comfortable with the water. Penguin begins with the introduction of the swimming techniques. In the phase swordfish the children/students are learning how to coordinate their arm and leg movements with the respective swimming strokes. In the last phase, dolphins, the end goal is that the children/students can swim one full lane of each swimming stroke (25 meters), except the butterfly stroke.

Every group has its own criteria. The children/students must complete all the described criteria before they can go to the next group.

In the end it is ultimately important to make the swimming lessons fun, because when the children/students have fun in the water, they are more eager to learn, and they put more effort in their lessons. It is important that the children/students see the water as something fun and not as something to be afraid of. When children reach the level of dolphins with a lot of fun the change is much bigger that the child keeps swimming and will continue a club to do swimming as a sport. Also make these levels it easier for clubs to make people join the club because they know what their level is.

Task no.1
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Give us the answers of the next 3 questions:
1. What are the names of the 4 levels?
2. Is the manual (now) usable outside the regular pools?
3. What is ultimately important?
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