This interactive hands-on workshop has been a hit all over the globe. During the iiii-Fest 2019 this workshop will offer even more insights in the many opportunities of developing app. You will go home with at least one, but probably many more smartphone apps which you have created yourself!
We kindly invite Professionals, Entrepeneurs, Scholars, Students and alike to join us for this exciting seminar, which is one of our iiii-Fest activities, to become one of the Future-Oriented-Persons (FOP’s) which our world so desperately needs.
The iiii-Fest is brought to you by our partners and is all about:information – information exchange, learn-by-doing & more…interaction – meet, engage, unite, collaborate, communicate & more…innovation – Internet of Things (IoT) – Internet Commerce & more…incubation – prepare, produce, perform …..
Picture (c) Startup Stock Photos
Port Elizabeth, South Africa