This Playlist is for learning providers and will support you in developing your registration at the platform, developing a Learning Activity, editing the Open Badge and developing a Learning Playlist.
You will do this independently, and where necessary you can ask for support via the platform.
Photo (c) Samantha Cremers
Actividades a realizar
Complete las siguientes actividades, gane insignias y verá el progreso de su lista de reproducción actualizada
In this online activity you will learn to submit a Learning Playlist at the Eastern Cape Region of Learning Platform. A Learning Playlist is a set of activities.
You will work independently with when necessary support from Eastern-Cape Region of Learning.
Photo © Samantha Cremers
Consigue la insignia de actividad
The owner of this badge has indepently, with help where necessary, submitted a Learning Playlist at the Eastern Cape Region of Learning Platform. A Learning Playlist is a set of Learning Activities.
Tiene que terminar todas las tareas para conseguir la insignia
Evidencia verificada por: auto aprobación
Read the resources shared as attachement in this activity. If you prefer, you can print them but that is not necessary.
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
With use of the resources from this activity you can start developing a Learning Playlist and publish it at the Eastern Cape Region of Learning. Please share the link of your Learning Playlist in this field.
Evidencia verificada por: Un organizador de actividades
Describe 1 thing that went well while developing the activity and 1 thing that could be done better.
What you describe in this field will be red by a coordinator of Eastern Cape Region of Learning. It gives the possibility to get support where necessary.