
Digital creativity boost


Digital creativity boost



This playlist encourages people think about creativity, problem solving and knowledge sharing. It was created in order to have interesting and productive time during the workshop of #digitalgenerationyouth project with youngsters from Propella centre. Nevertheless, anyone can go through it alone, with friends or family members.

Activities to complete

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
My Creativity Powers
Unknown duration
View full activity


Take the creativity test ((https://mycreativetype.com) and find out more about your creative powers!
This test was created by the team at Adobe Create Magazine. It is based on psychology research and allows one to evaluate his or her creative habits and tendencies - how do you think, how do you act, how do you perceive the world around you?
Answer 15 questions and get a better idea of your creative motivations and how you can nurture the creator inside yourself and get around the obstacles on your way.
More about the test by Carolyn Gregoire: https://create.adobe.com/2019/4/23/we_all_have_a_creati.html
Photo @Adobe Creative Types

Get activity badge

Creativity boost Get this badge

Take the creativity test ((https://mycreativetype.com) and find out more about your creative powers!
This test was created by the team at Adobe Create Magazine. It is based on psychology research and allows one to evaluate his or her creative habits and tendencies - how do you think, how do you act, how do you perceive the world around you?
Answer 15 questions and get a better idea of your creative motivations and how you can nurture the creator inside yourself and get around the obstacles on your way.
More about the test by Carolyn Gregoire: https://create.adobe.com/2019/4/23/we_all_have_a_creati.html
Photo @Adobe Creative Types
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: self-approved
What kind of creativity type did you explore to have? Have you thought about that before? What does it tell about you in your words?
Creating animation via programming
Unknown duration
Activities: 2
Started: 16
Completed playlist: 1


Turing School
Badgecraft käitab veebi taristut Õppimise linnade ja regioonide jaoks. Euroopa konsortsium arendab seda platvormi kaasrahastusega Euroopa Liidu programmist Erasmus+.
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