Participants will practice methods of Critical Thinking, one of the 21st Century Skills necessary in the current and future personal, social and professional life. We will practice to share an opinion clearly, in an effective and argued way. Participants will reflect their current Critical Thinking as well as their personal challenges. We will also discuss next steps to become better Critical Thinkers.
Normal price R 950, iiii-Fest Promo FREE
This workshop is part of iiii-Fest 2019 and we kindly invite Professionals, Entrepreneurs, Scholars, Students and alike to join us for this exciting seminar, which is one of our iiii-Fest activities, to become one of the Future-Oriented- Persons (FOP’s) which our world so desperately needs.
The iiii-Fest is brought to you by our partners and is all about:information – information exchange, learn-by-doing & more…interaction – meet, engage, unite, collaborate, communicate & more…innovation – Internet of Things (IoT) – Internet Commerce & more…incubation – prepare, produce, perform …..
Picture (c) Kaboompics.com
West End, Bethelsdorp, 6059, South Africa